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by J. Christian Andrews

December 1, 2015

Praying the Psalms

Recently a Facebook friend put out a challenge suggesting we join him in reading through the Psalms in a month. It's a great idea, through one that is not at all new. Somewhere back in my early post-highschool education, a prof suggested the same and gave us a simple format which I have used from time to time in the years since then. I adopted this plan again this last spring, and today it occured to me to share it but in a way that would be interactive and maybe useful. I know I'm a day late, but you can start on day 2 anyway. If you miss a day, don't feel guilty or beat yourself up. Just pick up on whatever day of the month you restart. You can pick up the Psalms you missed on the next go-round. You can just read the Psalms as they are written. I often personalize them in prayers, that is those that are not already prayers. I also like to remind myself that everytime the Psalmist used LORD (in all caps), he was really using God's personal name "Yahweh."

So, here it is with each of the Psalms linked to what has become my go-to online Bible. Once on the Bible website, click on "NET" in the upper left corner to change the version if you want to. If you prefer to read from a gook ol' paper book, you are of course free to do that instead. You will also find this plan on my menu on its own page which can be bookmarked for daily use.

Day 1:
Psalm 1, Psalm 31, Psalm 61, Psalm 91, Psalm 121,
Day 2:
Psalm 2, Psalm 32, Psalm 62, Psalm 92, Psalm 122,
Day 3:
Psalm 3, Psalm 33, Psalm 63, Psalm 93, Psalm 123,
Day 4:
Psalm 4, Psalm 34, Psalm 64, Psalm 94, Psalm 124,
Day 5:
Psalm 5, Psalm 35, Psalm 65, Psalm 95, Psalm 125,
Day 6:
Psalm 6, Psalm 36, Psalm 66, Psalm 96, Psalm 126,
Day 7:
Psalm 7, Psalm 37, Psalm 67, Psalm 97, Psalm 127,
Day 8:
Psalm 8, Psalm 38, Psalm 68, Psalm 98, Psalm 128,
Day 9:
Psalm 9, Psalm 39, Psalm 69, Psalm 99, Psalm 129,
Day 10:
Psalm 10, Psalm 40, Psalm 70, Psalm 100, Psalm 130,
Day 11:
Psalm 11, Psalm 41, Psalm 71, Psalm 101, Psalm 131,
Day 12:
Psalm 12, Psalm 42, Psalm 72, Psalm 102, Psalm 132,
Day 13:
Psalm 13, Psalm 43, Psalm 73, Psalm 103, Psalm 133,
Day 14:
Psalm 14, Psalm 44, Psalm 74, Psalm 104, Psalm 134,
Day 15:
Psalm 15, Psalm 45, Psalm 75, Psalm 105, Psalm 135,
Day 16:
Psalm 16, Psalm 46, Psalm 76, Psalm 106, Psalm 136,
Day 17:
Psalm 17, Psalm 47, Psalm 77, Psalm 107, Psalm 137,
Day 18:
Psalm 18, Psalm 48, Psalm 78, Psalm 108, Psalm 138,
Day 19:
Psalm 19, Psalm 49, Psalm 79, Psalm 109, Psalm 139,
Day 20:
Psalm 20, Psalm 50, Psalm 80, Psalm 110, Psalm 140,
Day 21:
Psalm 21, Psalm 51, Psalm 81, Psalm 111, Psalm 141,
Day 22:
Psalm 22, Psalm 52, Psalm 82, Psalm 112, Psalm 142,
Day 23:
Psalm 23, Psalm 53, Psalm 83, Psalm 113, Psalm 143,
Day 24:
Psalm 24, Psalm 54, Psalm 84, Psalm 114, Psalm 144,
Day 25:
Psalm 25, Psalm 55, Psalm 85, Psalm 115, Psalm 145,
Day 26:
Psalm 26, Psalm 56, Psalm 86, Psalm 116, Psalm 146,
Day 27:
Psalm 27, Psalm 57, Psalm 87, Psalm 117, Psalm 147,
Day 28:
Psalm 28, Psalm 57, Psalm 88, Psalm 118, Psalm 148,
Day 29:
Psalm 29, Psalm 59, Psalm 89, Psalm 149,
Day 30:
Psalm 30, Psalm 60, Psalm 90, Psalm 120, Psalm 150,
Day 31:
Psalm 119